This was absolutely amazing. truely. I've read all the typical "leaving the truth " books... but this touched the heart in such a caring way. it was beautiful. It was not hurtful, resentful or angry at all. Just full of genuine concern for her. It seriously should be in book form. Thank you for all your research and time... i cant imagine all the work involved.
New light for you
JoinedPosts by New light for you
Letter to My Mother--FINAL!--After 2yrs3mos--Incomprehensibly Long...
by Confession in[2 john 9 11, nwt].
[john 14:6, nwt] .
[john 14:6, nwt] .
Shunning & JWs on Miami Ink TV Show
by doinmypart inmiami ink is a show about tattooing, it airs on u.s. cable channel tlc.
the show highlights the work of the tattoo artists and tells the background of why a person gets a particular tattoo.. on last week's show a young lady wanted what she referred to as a "conscience" tattoo.
when i heard "conscience" my ears perked up.
New light for you
Actually, my best girlfriend that has decided to start shunning me because i have "questions" about the society was watching that with her worldly husband who she hadn't told about shunning her best friend, cuz it would make her religion look bad....
So she started crying when she saw the DFed girl and heard the story, then told her husband about me. Of course, dont know if she'll GET the POINT, of how it's EVIL to SHUN actually , instead of me being EVIL.
Of course she thinks i have grown horns and gone insaine. so , it's a good look for me.
Any other exhausted moms out there?
by milligal ini have three kids, the youngest are 3 and five months.
i was wondering if there are any other moms out there who don't get much sleep or time alone.
how do you stay happy?
New light for you
ALways exhausted! I have 2, 8yr girl and 4 year boy.. I feel like having one kid you can do anything , but once you have 2, you may as well have 6. Daughter's last day of school is today, so on starts the summer running all around, trying to do everything "fun" for them, only for it to never be good enough and have her crying by the end of the day. I HATE that. Try to have such a nice day, then it's like "you forgot to get me the candy!" and it's like "it's cuz you had ice cream instead, tha'ts enough!!". Ok, now she sounds like a rotten brat... i think it has something to do about being exhausted by the end when we take em to do anything. Or maybe it's because she was forced to sit thru all these meetings and assemblies she's gonna pay me back. I guess i have it coming.
Did other Brothers critisize you for your "meterial things." My big T.V!
by Witness 007 ina brother from bethel saw i had bought myself a big screen t.v {80cm tube 1996} this was the best t.v at the time.
{i always wanted one} he stared for some time, and mentioned in passing that he never watched television at all.
and that this could be slowing down my ministry.
New light for you
they're all just jealous that they didn't go to college, so didn't get good paying jobs and cant buy the stuff.
Are Witnesses Sexually Normal?
by minimus injws are obsessed with sex and sexual sins.
the elders are specifically told what classification a sexual sin falls into.
touching the breasts, genitals, looking at porn, looking at various types of pornography, kissing, petting-----you name it----it is technically classified so that the elders know which charge they can hit you with judicially.. even if you're married, the watchtower disapproves of certain consensual sex acts.
New light for you
I know i'm on this topic today... but to start making everything NOT normal... we have PUBLIC TALKS that EXPLICITLY talk about sex, using all the "CORRECT" language, with the lovely babies and young children in the audience.
We had a sunday talk like this recently. I sat down, came in a few min. late, and the brother says "BOYS HAVE A PENIS AND GIRLS HAVE A VULVA" ... then he went into detail about how sex is, sex works and even told the audience "you know when i started teaching my sun about sex? the day he came home from the hospital!!!"
YES, i'm NOT exaggerating, word for word. poor 13year old son almost died in the audience.
I asked my 8 year old daughter that night if she ever hears the word "penis". she said "only at the meetings". -
Yourmomma, Engage Fade Now, Eye Eye Captain! Fade Engaged Full Power!
by yourmomma inwith the council of some herbal insight i have come up with a fade plan and have started fading.
i am lucky that the congregation i am in i have no friends or associates and very few people who will know if i am not around.
im so glad i left my long time hall years ago because i would be hounded like crazy.
New light for you
i was sold a bag of fake goods, and now you are telling me because i caught the Governing Body in their scandalous lies, I AM GOING TO HAVE MY REPUTATION RUINED and be DF'd?!?!? that is the greatest reasoning! i've never thought of it that way- theocratic warfare here I come!
by Mary ini just got a call from a friend of mine who was driving his 2 year old son back to his mothers' house near woodstock, ontario.
the sky was fine when he left his house, but within a couple of minutes, a tornado hit and he got caught in the tail end of it.
the wind picked up his truck (with him and the baby in it) and threw it in the ditch.
New light for you
we're in NC,about a week ago it was sunny and 90, within 5 minutes we had insaine rain and HAIL!!!! it only lasted 5-10 min, then back to sunny. When we went outside, the neighborhood was turned upside down, trees down , uprooted and down everywhere. my girlfriend in the next neighborhood over had nothing. they never said it was a tornado, just probably a "downburst"
JW's clearly going 'beyond the things written' - examples
by jambon1 inthe one that got me recently is the matter of elders being removed if they encourage college education in the cong.
where in the scriptures?
any others that spring to mind?
New light for you
what about no blood transfusions? i didn't see that in the bible.....
Please, I need helpful suggestions.....
by New light for you ini've been reading this board for a while, but never posted, but now everything has changed and i have nowhere to go for suggestions- .
my witness husband (robert7) in december, the night before the assembly, told me that he isn't a witness anymore, doesn't want to be involved anymore, doesn't believe it.
of course, i'm a good witness, take the kids out in service a few days a week every week... very active in the first reaction was that "i cant love him if he doesn't love jehovah" and it really looked like we surely would get a divorce in jan/feb.
New light for you
Thank you SO much for all your great understanding and suggestions.
So I got a call from a "Friend" tonight, supposed to watch her child Monday for the last time... she gave me this VERY WEIRD couple sentences about how she doesn't need me and thank you and bye... hung up. SOOOOOOOOO unlike her... very obvious she heard something about me, this is a "friend" and we'd be able to talk on the phone for a while about whatever normally. I didn't go to meeting today (it's been like 3 weeks now since a meeting, since my vacation, sick week, and now just scared refusal). I wish I had a friend that i could say, "ok, what's up? what are they saying about me? im not even in an elder meeting and they're treating me like i'm DFed????" BUT all my friends are too scared of me now ..... BOO!! do i scare you?
I'm leaning toward pushing this all forward. I'd still prefer to fade, but this org. is crap. this is all rediculous. I was prepared to be scared of and ignored if i was DFed , but before i even have a meeting with elders???? that's record time! who needs this ???? I'm so many different emotions at once.... and going to just combust... maybe it's better to just not go back, and put off the elder meeting indefinately.. if they'd let me. What fake freakin frends. bitches. there. i said it.
Thank you so much, I have wanted to respond to all the great postings, and i have to re-read everything to get all the info out because my brain isn't up to par right now... good thing i didn't go to college!!!!
Please, I need helpful suggestions.....
by New light for you ini've been reading this board for a while, but never posted, but now everything has changed and i have nowhere to go for suggestions- .
my witness husband (robert7) in december, the night before the assembly, told me that he isn't a witness anymore, doesn't want to be involved anymore, doesn't believe it.
of course, i'm a good witness, take the kids out in service a few days a week every week... very active in the first reaction was that "i cant love him if he doesn't love jehovah" and it really looked like we surely would get a divorce in jan/feb.
New light for you
Hi. I've been reading this board for a while, but never posted, but now everything has changed and I have nowhere to go for suggestions-
My witness husband (robert7) in December, the night before the assembly, told me that he isn't a witness anymore, doesn't want to be involved anymore, doesn't believe it. Of course, i'm a good witness, take the kids out in service a few days a week every week... very active in the first reaction was that "I cant love him if he doesn't love Jehovah" and it really looked like we surely would get a divorce in Jan/Feb. I'm the co-ordinater of fun stuff etc. at the hall, friends with everyone and play and watch everyones kids. I was NEVER going to look at apostate info, so i just started looking up Russel and Rutherford on Wikipedia, and was totally floored by finding out everything about them, and the subsequent links from that. So then husband leaves COC out , and for some ungodly reason, i decided to glance thru it.... then read it- thouroughly. I dont know why i even looked ,being a "good" witness. Anyway, as you know, once you read it , you can't go back. So then i started investigating everything i could. I wish i could be one of those people that dont believe it anymore , but goes to meetings... but once i knew better, i seriously would just sit there at the meeting fighting back crying, and wanting to run out, had to go in back and cry, just knowing in my head where all of this will lead, losing all my friends, my children losing all their friends, "losing my religion". I started feeling sick all the time, and have had severe stomache aches every day since and still. We went on vacation for a week, then i got the flu for a week, so I've been away from meetings for a few weeks. My best friend was keeping up with me thru all this, because of course i didnt' tell her how i was feeling cuz it's FORBIDDEN to discuss. She called me , a few days ago... told me everyone is asking her about me and where i am, and it's really alarming and what's going on. I love her to death, I have no siblings, we've always said we're sisters, our kids are best friends and have grown up seeing each other almost every day. She started painting me in a corner. She asked what's going on, I told her " i just dont know what i think, i just dont know" then she kept pushing and pushing and ... that was it. it all came out "like word vomit". I couldn't hold it in, here's my best friend asking me about a subject that has been causing me so much pain. Anyway, it ended that i TOTALLY dont believe the whole "faithful and discreet slave" i criticized pretty much everything, and she told me she loves me and my kids but she's never talking to me again since i sound apostate, because as everyone knows, apostates are evil and people (this is a direct quote) "go crazy when the leave the truth". Of course, after that call i was devistated, on the floor crying. the phone rings, my husband BRILLIANTLY gives it to me... it's my "service buddy" wondering where I have been, very nicely. But because of my state of mind, i told her, "i dont know whats happening, i had this terrible call with my other friend, and i think i dont believe it anymore". Then, you'll love this... talk about painting me in a corner... she actually asks me ..."are you saying you no longer consider yourself one of jehovahs witnesses"... !!!!!!!! I said " i really am not prepared to make a statement like this, i wasn't prepared to make this decision yet and i feel like i've been forced into it". Ok, so the 2 of them have called my elders, and our PO has left a message that he'd "like to get together with us".
I'm sorry this is so long, i'm shaking the whole time i'm writing this. Realize, the whole time i've had to "think" , since i read COC has ONLY been like 2 months! that's not long enough to make this decision! i see lots of people that take years! and i wanted to be able to consider everything! I know they're gonna wanna DF me .... right? I'm so terrified. On the other hand, i DONT want to go back... i think?!? even though i'm sure i want to leave, i just wanted to fade, but i think i faded too fast and now i'm screwed. Am i screwed? I cant believe my best friend was so eager and ready to throw me away. I knew she would if they DFed me, but NOTHING has happened... yet. oh crap, i'm screwed aren't I. I dont know if i can take it, honestly. Elder meetings? i've NEVER had to talk to elders EVER in my witness life, i've been such a good girl. I swear i'm gonna have a breakdown... i know thats what girls say but i feel like my head's gonna explode. ok, enough of the drama. I'm not ready for this decision yet. even though i know i've made up my mind.. i think you all understand.. .it's a huge decision, and 2 months is NOT long enough!!!!! OK. i guess i just need suggestions and support! i feel so scared and alone. OH- my best frinds mom emailed me that she's very concerned, and it was very nice. So i have ONE LAST CHANCE to email her back, and say some last thing to my friend, i need suggestions for that. something about how i'm not even DFed but she was so happy to get rid of me. She wants to label me "apostate" right away.. isn't there some WT that talks about how EVIL it is to label a group? i swear i saw it somewhere posted. ANyway, it's my last contact with her, so i'd like to look saine, but hurt and dissapointed. Her husband ISN"T a witness, so I'd love for our girls to be able to play once in a blue moon thru the husbands at least... have NO idea how to tell my 8 year old that the best friend she grew up with will no longer be able to see her ever again., along with everyone else in our world.
THank you SO much for listening...I appreciate any ideas or suggestions!